Need help for conversion to flats?

Our planners and architects can help!

Conversion to Flats 

Converting a house or office into flats is getting increasingly popular due to the UK housing shortage and the lucrative profits on successful flat conversions. However, these can be complex and daunting projects because typically the level of investment is high and planning approval is never guaranteed.

Property investors and developers often look to purchase large houses with scope to subdivide into several smaller apartments which can then either be sold or rented separately. When successful this can yield an excellent return on investment however it is not without risk especially as planning permission is never guaranteed.

All flat conversions require planning permission as well as building regulations approval so, before you make a start on a conversion to flats it is advisable to undertake a planning appraisal. A planning appraisal will confirm whether your flat conversion is feasible and the likelihood of success before you commit lots of time and money to the project.

Do you need planning permission for your conversion to flats?

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Potential Constraints

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Can you start without first submitting an application?

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How to apply for a conversion to flats?

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So, what next?

Are you looking to add a basement to your house? Studio Charrette can help you and take all of the stress out of this complicated process. Don’t hesitate, contact us now!

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